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Abstract Glow
  • Those pupils who want admission in the School for the new academic year which starts from March must register the names in the month of December. Admissions are made in the beginning of February and all students will have to undergo an entrance test before they are admitted to the school except Nursery. For admission to Nursery students should have completed 3 years on age by the 31stof March. The admission to all other classes depends upon the availability of the seats only.

  • Particulars of the students entered on the admission form and thereafter in the school records shall be final and no change shall be allowed thereafter.

  • For the first admission to the school original date of birth certificate (laminated) of the child from the competent authority has to be submitted along with the application form.

  • The decision of the Principal in all matter pertaining to admission and withdrawal of the student shall be final and binding on all.

  • The admission have to be renewed when the students from UKG are enrolled in Class I, and a fee equal to 50% the current admission charges will have to be paid by each student.

  • No student will be admitted to the school without a transfer certificate from the school last attended and countersigned by a competent authority of the education department.

  • The management acting through the Principal reserves the right to discharge any student who is deemed unsatisfactory/unfit in respect of studies, general conduct and discipline. In such cases the Principal shall not be bound to give any reason.

  • Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than ten consecutive days render the students liable to have his/her name struck off from the roll. Re-admission, if granted will be done on the payment of a fresh admission fee.

  • No School leaving certificate will be issued without a written application from the parents/ guardian after the payment of all dues to the school.

  • Irregular attendance, neglect of studies and class work disobedience and disrespect towards members of the staff and conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.



Admission to Class XI is not to be presumed as a promotion from Class X because a student had studied in the same school, whereas it would depend on the following conditions:


  • The character and conduct of the student must be excellent and not just satisfactory.

  • Every student shall pay the prescribed admission fees and other charges prevalent in the higher secondary section.

  • As per the direction of CISCE, students who have the aptitude for Science and Math and having strong base on these subjects only will have choice of Science stream. Hence a cut off percentage for admission in Science stream will be 75% and above in Science 80% and above in Math and for those seeking Math as one of the subjects. All other will have the choice of Commerce provided they qualify the condition No.1 regarding character.

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