St. Peter’s Higher Secondary School, Karan Bagh founded in 1999 is a Minority Educational Institution, enjoying all the rights and privileges guaranteed under Article 30 of the Constitution of India.
The fathers and sisters serving in various Christian institutions in Jammu and Kashmir and elsewhere are people who are voluntarily vowed to God to lead a holy and dedicated life of selfless service to their fellow human beings. Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar through its subsidiary wing Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar Education Society cater to the educational needs of the people of the State. To actualize this great mission the Society presently administrates to 24 schools in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and St. Peter’s Higher Secondary School is one among them. The main thrust of the society is to provide a sound, value based and emancipating education, designed to train its pupils to live for God and country through their activities, be it moral, spiritual, intellectual, social or professional. It is student friendly and encourages analytical, creative and independent thinking and assists the students in developing holistic perspectives, all round developments, positive thinking attitude and sound domain of knowledge with particular applications of it in life.